Ill be away in India until the 10th of January and will probably not get a chance to update until I come back. Expect lots of tales of fun, food and frolics (and hopefully no need for use of any of the above)
Happy New Year.
The other results:
Next year I think Ill spend some of my mince pie eating time making them.
Happy Christmas everyone, I hope you all enjoy your last few weeks of mince pie eating before they are gone from the shops.
Oatmeal Ginger Christmas Cookies
Turn your oven on to top temperature and start peeling and chopping the butternut squash. Theres no easy way to do this and Ive broken 2 vegetable peelers trying them. Throw the lump sized bits of squash into the oven onto a tray as you chop to roast. Let them roast for 10-15 minutes (you don’t have to roast the squash but it’s a bit tastier if you do) while you are chopping up the leeks and ginger and chilli (remove the seeds first).Get a big saucepan and put a bit of oil in the bottom, heat it up and then throw in your chilli, curry powder and chopped ginger. Let them fry a bit for a minute or so and then throw in your leeks. Pour in your pint of stock. Take your squash out of the oven and throw that into the pot too. Bring it to the boil then turn it down and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes until the leeks and squash are soft.
Use a hand blender to liquidise the soup (or a liquidizer - but wait until its cool if youre going to do it this way). Open your can of coconut milk and throw it in to the pot and reheat slowly if the soup is too cold. Enjoy, its yum.
Needless to say given the above we all left a bit disgruntled. I'd like to think places like the Unicorn will start to get less visitors given the current state of the economy but think I may be kidding myself.
Banoffee is simply one of my favourite desserts and is dead simple to make, so easy in fact that it would be really hard to go wrong. So when a friend of mine who has been sick recently asked would I make it for his birthday party I made 2 big ones (one for the party and one for family) and 2 small ones for myself.
Ingredients (for a 12 inch tin - I doubled this and made two 9 inch tins and 2 ramekins):
Five Things on My To Do List Tomorrow:
Five Snacks I Enjoy:
Five Things I Would Do If I Were a Millionaire (presuming multiple millions of dollars of course):
Places I Have Lived:
Jobs I Have Had: