Five things I was Doing 10 Years Ago
- Working a summer in San Francisco (incidentally how I met Jane)
- Starting college in Saarbruecken in Germany
- Goint out with German guy (first serious boy)
- Desperately trying to learn German
- Starting a blog which is long long gone.
Five Things on My To Do List Tomorrow:
- Day off so the first one is a sleep in. No 6:20 alarm for me.
- Shopping - ingredients for banoffee.
- First Christmas dinner with old work colleagues
- Pop into town to meet old friend from Germany
- Foodie morning coffee with old friend
Five Snacks I Enjoy:
- Peanut brittle
- Granny smith apples
- Chocolate - in any form
- Carrot cake and coffee
- Toast
Five Things I Would Do If I Were a Millionaire (presuming multiple millions of dollars of course):
- 12 week Ballymaloe course
- Very long foodie tour of the world
- Pay off mortgage (a bigger house would be on cards but no mortgage would be lovely)
- Invest in curing cancer
- Quit my job (how is that not the first one?)
Places I Have Lived:
- Dublin, Ireland
- Munich, Germany
- San Francisco, USA
- Saarbruecken, Germany
- Chicago, USA
Jobs I Have Had:
- Kitchen Porter
- District Manager for a chain of Supermarkets
- Mother Goose
- IT Consultant
- IT Sales (current)
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