
Wednesday, 19 November 2008

The Unicorn Review

I dont think the Unicorn is somewhere that will be greatly affected by the recession as most of the people leaving there on a Friday seemed very well to do (Eamon Dunphy was among the faces I half recognised) and looked like they had been drinking expensive wine since lunchtime while the rest of us are at work (the rest other than me that is as I was eating cake and shopping). My friends and I however probably wont be back quite so quickly (at least until next Christmas comes around anyway if even then).

A few things I wouldnt do if I had my own restuarant:
  • 2 seatings unless you can get the food out quick enough or make those seatings long enough - 7 until 9 is not a long enough seating for 10 in the Unicorn.
  • Expensive starters - there were only one or two on the menu under the €20 mark. Make your mains more expensive and your starters cheaper - surely the mains shouldnt come in around the same price as a plate of antipasto (over 20€ for some olives and parma ham is insane!)
  • Not serve at the same time - I realize Im in double negative land here so Ill explain by saying that there was a gap of ten minutes between the first and last person getting their starters and the same happened again with the mains which meant in both cases that some people were eating cold food.
  • Be so slow at collecting plates that the table cant order dessert/coffee. Some of us are particularly fond of desserts and its the lasting impression that people remember on leaving a restaurant.

Needless to say given the above we all left a bit disgruntled. I'd like to think places like the Unicorn will start to get less visitors given the current state of the economy but think I may be kidding myself.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Deirdre,

    Martins sister Lily ( Elizabeth ) here and he was only telling me about your website last night so I've given it a full once over and I love it!. Keep up the good work!


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