
Monday, 8 December 2008

Back from New York - the best bits

It was some week - did you miss me?

For any foodies going to New York over the next while here are my top list of things to eat, do and see:
  • Walk across the Brooklyn bridge - I passed Hulk Hogan on the way, you might pass someone far more interesting!
  • Staten Island ferry for pictures of Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty
  • Stay somewhere nice and central - I stayed here
  • Take the subway, I dont know why people say its scary as its not
  • Take a foodie tour, I did the Grenwich village one and spent 3 hours eating foods with a lovely group of people (and was the only non North American there!)
  • Go to Chelsea Market and eat until you drop - I recommend Elenis cupcakes, Hale and Hearty Soup and Amys bread. I would recommend more but theres only so much you can eat in the morning
  • Go star spotting - I saw Ugly Betty being filmed on the street!
  • When I had lunch in Les Halles I figured I could pretty much go home as even on the first day it was such a highlight- the chips and sandwich poulet were amazing. No sign of Bourdain unfortunately.
  • Get to the Empire State about an hour before sunset and take some amazing pictures
  • Go to Times Square and get yourself cheap tickets to a show. I saw Hairspray
Reviews and more pictures to come

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant, I'm making my first trip in January so I'll add those to my ever expanding list!


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